Nela's Prayer Blog
Your Sabbath is a joy to my heart and soul. It refreshes me to get ready for another week. It helps me look forward to the next Sabbath. My prayers, I know will be answered. I know I just have to keep asking, and to be patient. My patience needs to be filled up again. My hand should refrain from evil and go to clean, and worthy things. Thank You for loving me all of this time. 

Please Help: 
~ My Familiy ~ Mollie, Family, School ~ Wines Family ~ Megan's Family ~ Shimizu Family ~ Bella's Family ~ Elashkar Family ~ Stanley, Fiorella ~ Goodwin Family ~ Bussel Family ~ Bower Family ~ Galyean Family ~ Jared, Cooper, Joe ~ Brotzel Family ~ Anita Roy+Family ~ Chile+Haiti ~ Grandparents ~ John ~ Scott ~ Simon ~ Daniel ~ Uncle Larrry ~ Amy's Place ~ Uncle Justin+Anya ~ Jazzy ~ Brittney ~ Ariel ~ Tranquility+Osmin ~ Uncle Mike+Jake&Josh ~ Sadie, Molly, Family ~

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    Nela's Prayers~

    ~Nela gave us her journal!!
    Yes, she gave her journal to her Mom & Dad!

    What kid in their right mind would ever think of doing that?

    Well she asked us to read it and. . . We could not stop reading! 

    We read the entire year through. 

    With tears streaming down our faces. . .we decided to create ~Nela's Prayer Blog~

    Nela's heart so loves God and she continues to learn to talk directly with our Father God.  

    These prayers are for every day. They will teach you how to pray, or help you, or just challenge your walk with Jesus Christ. 

    It did ours. . . Forever!

    Nela's Mom & Dad!



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